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jpa-derby Boolean merge

am working with JPA(EclipseLink) and Derby. In my object there is a boolean field. Before a merge operation, the field is set to true. but after the merge, the field still holds the false value.

public class SleepMeasure extends AbstractEntity {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1361849156336265486L;

    private boolean WeatherDone;

    public boolean isWeatherDone() { // I have already tried with the "getWeatherDone()"
        return WeatherDone;

    public void setWeatherDone(boolean weatherDone) {
        WeatherDone = weatherDone;

It doesn't seem to matter whether, I use "getWeatherDone()" or "isWeatherDone()".

using code:

public class WeatherDataCollectorImpl{
    private void saveMeasures(WeatherResponse mResponse, SleepMeasure sleep) throws Exception {

        AppUser owner = sleep.getOwner();

And here is my repository class

    public class RepositoryImpl{
    public <T extends AbstractEntity> T updateEntity(T entity, Class<T> type) throws RepositoryException {
        EntityTransaction tr = em.getTransaction();

        try {

                // entity.weatherdone has value true
                    entity = em.merge(entity);
                // entity.weatherdone has value false

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return entity;

JPA console Info: There is no error, nor warning and not even any info that the boolean column shall be updated.

--Merge clone with references com.sleepmonitor.persistence.entities.sleep.SleepMeasure@b9025d
--Register the existing object  // other objects
--Register the existing object com.sleepmonitor.persistence.entities.sleep.SleepMeasure@1ba90cc

So how do I solve this small problem.

Note: Derby defined this field as "SMALLINT".



  • Oh God! I found my problem. Actually I realised, it was not only the boolean field, but the whole object could not be updated. While trying to complete a bideirection referencing, I stupidly did this in a setter property instead of an addMethod() .

    public void setSleepProperties(SleepProperties sleepProperties) {
        this.sleepProperties = sleepProperties;
        if (!(sleepProperties == null)) {

    Instead of:

    public void addSleepProperties(SleepProperties sleepProperties) {
        this.sleepProperties = sleepProperties;
        if (!(sleepProperties == null)) {

    So I ended up with the referenced entity (sleepProperties.sleepMeasure) over-writing the updates on the owning entity just before a merge. That was very defficult to find, and I think have learned a big lesson from it. Thanks to all who tried to help me out.

    The "addMethod()" solved my problem.