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Within a Django Model, how can I prevent a delete based on a particular field?

In the following, I have a Post model. A Post object has a status field that can be 'unpublished' or 'published'.

if status is 'published', I'd like to prevent the object from being deleted, and would like to keep this logic encapsulated in the model itself.

from model_utils import Choices  # from Django-Model-Utils
from model_utils.fields import StatusField

class Post(model.Models)

    STATUS = Choices(
        ('unpublished', _('Unpublished')),
        ('published', _('Published')),


    status = StatusField(default=STATUS.unpublished)

How can I do this? Overriding the delete method won't work if the objects are being deleted in bulk with a QuerySet. I've read not to use receivers, but I'm not sure why.


  • This is what I have following @Todor's comment:


    from django.db.models import ProtectedError
    from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete
    from django.dispatch import receiver
    from .models import Post
    @receiver(pre_delete, sender=Post, dispatch_uid='post_pre_delete_signal')
    def protect_posts(sender, instance, using, **kwargs):
        if instance.status is 'unpublished': 
        else:  # Any other status types I add later will also be protected
            raise ProtectedError('Only unpublished posts can be deleted.')

    I welcome improvements or better answers!