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vulkan-1.lib: error adding symbols: File in wrong format in GCC

The errors:

C:\VulkanSDK\\Bin/vulkan-1.lib: error adding symbols: File in wrong format


C:\VulkanSDK\\Bin32/vulkan-1.lib: error adding symbols: File in wrong format

I using Eclipse Version: Neon Release (4.6.0) Build id: 20160613-1800


Cygwin 2.5.2(0.297/5/3)

MinGW-w64 gcc (x86_64-posix-seh, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 6.1.0

flags: -m64 or -m32

Can someone point me what I am doing wrong, or send me a example workspace with correct setup?

It is my first cross-platform project, so I probably doing something wrong.

I chose Eclipse from simple reason, it is almost same on Windows and Linux.


  • 1) Update your SDK (latest ATMOW is 17)

    2) That vulkan-1.lib in $VULKAN_SDK/Bin is MSVC++ library and there's no guarantee, it will work in gcc (doesn't for me - Cygwin is supposed to have some support, but it simply doesn't work for me).

    Try to link directly to the vulkan-1.dll ( that is supply -L$WINDIR/System32 (x64 on x64 os) or -L$WINDIR/SysWOW64 (32 on 64) instead of the SDK paths ).

    Otherwise you will need to build The Loader from source, which will be pain for Cygwin/MinGW (don't think there is official support yet). Or, you know, abandon Eclipse and join us on the dark side.