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Why is the result different in the Chrome console and sublime? This in JS

I'm learning about the this identifier and I know that when a function is not called on an object then this refers to the window object in non-strict mode. As a result, I would expect to log "whatever."

"whatever" is the output when I run my code in the Chrome, but the output is undefined when I run my code using the node build system in sublime.

Why is that the case? Am I right that the result in the Chrome console is correct? When else could I encounter problems like this?

Here's my code

function foo() {
    // console.log(this)
    console.log( );

var bar = "whatever";

// --------

foo();              // OUTPUT is "whatever" in the Chrome console and OUTPUT is undefined in Sublime's Node build system.


  • When you use this in a function without specifying a different context, it refers to the global object. In Chrome, this will be the window object. In Node, this is called global. When I say specifying a different context, that would be, for example, using new for a constructor, or the call and apply functions to bind a particular this.

    The main difference is that when you use var bar = "whatever"; in Node, the use of var is scoping the variable to the module you are writing, not the whole Node process. In Chrome, you are scoping it to the global window object. It is the same as leaving out the var altogether.

    I have added a couple of examples below regarding scope, just to make it a little clearer. Playing around in the Console is a great way to discover things like this.

    Example 1: Example 1 As you can see, calling test() has created a globally scope x variable, and this is found to be referring to the window variable.

    Example 2: Example 2 In this example, we constructed a new instance, which creates a new scope. The x variable is not scoped globally. The only way to access it is to use the myInstance context.

    As for your problem, you have two options:

    Option 1 (Recommended): Since bar is not globally scoped, you don't want to access the global variable using this

    var bar = "whatever";
    function foo() {

    Option 2 (Not Recommended): This will set the variable to be in global scope, so you can either use this or global = "whatever";
    function foo() {
        console.log(; // console.log(;