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Redux middleware with callback

I really like the concept of having actions written like this:

function signUp(data, callback) { 
return {
    [CALL_API]: {
      type: 'SOME_TYPE',
      url: `/api/account/signup`, 
      method: 'POST',
      data: data


But for thing like signUp I don't want to modify/touch the store to get a callback from server

In my React component I have an action that calls the api through an action and changes the state.

  this.signUp($(form).serialize(), function(data) {  this.setState({response: data});   }.bind(this))

and action signUp looks like this

function signUp(data, callback) { 

function postRequest(url, data, method, callback) { 
callback(true); //// just testing  

As you can see the syntax and the length of code isn't pretty compared to the first one

Question: Is there a way to modify the redux middleware OR have an alternative JSON function (similar to CALL_API) to accept callbacks to component without touching the store? I really want to use the CALL_API syntax :)


  • You can write middleware to intercept actions and do some work without modifying the store's state.

    // Action creator    
    function signUp(data, callback) { 
      return {
          type: CALL_API
          url: '/api/account/signup', 
          method: 'POST',
          data: data,
          callback: callback
    // Middleware
    const actionInterceptor = store => next => action => {
        if (action.type === CALL_API) {
            postRequest(action.url, action.method,, action.callback);
        else {
            return next(action);
    const store = createStore(reducer, initialState, applyMiddleware(actionInterceptor));