I have an array of strings, that are account numbers. When a record in a table is clicked i provide a modal to update the record and one of the fields is account number. This displays and some what correctly but seems to loss its two way binding with vm.accountNumber but also does show the value that the model is.
vm.accountNumber always has a value that is set when the table row is being clicked for editing. It just never makes it to the select despite the model. I suspect im losing the two way link and it is creating its own variable for the model.
<select class="ui search fluid selection dropdown" id="accountSearch" ng-model="vm.accountNumber">
<!--ng-options="account for account in vm.accounts.slice(1)">-->
<option ng-repeat="account in vm.accounts | limitTo: vm.accounts.length : 1" value="account" ng-selected="account == vm.accountNumber">{{account}}</option>
Here is a snippet of the accounts array. 0:"-" 1:"0001" 2:"0002" 3:"0003" 4:"0004"
I would say just use ng-options
directive instead of ng-repeat
ing option
<select class="ui search fluid selection dropdown"
id="accountSearch" ng-model="vm.accountNumber"
ng-options="account for account in vm.accounts">
Though I'd like to point out your problem was with option value attribute,
you should change