How can I create N normally distributed points within a N x N square with the mean at the centre (More points concentrated at the centre). I would appreciate an approach in which the coordinates of each points could be stored in a struct. I have tried the code below
for i=1:200
axis([0 200 0 200]);
However, I observed I got negative values. Using a centre [mean] of (100,100) in a square, I want to store normally distributed points between 0-200 for a 200x200 square. Thanks
The following would require the Statistics Toolbox in MATLAB. You can create a truncated normal distribution, which by definition would only generate normally distributed random numbers within the range [0, N]
% Create a normal distribution
N = 200;
pd = makedist('Normal', 'mu', N/2, 'sigma', 60)
% Truncate the normal distribution to [0,N]
t = truncate(pd, 0, N)
% Samples from normal distribution
x = pd.random(N,1);
y = pd.random(N,1);
title('Normal Distribution')
% Samples from truncated distribution
x = t.random(N,1);
y = t.random(N,1);
title('Truncated Normal Distribution')
This would result in something like the following: