I am calling Bigquery within Google Cloud Datalab notebooks and I want to use the JSON functions that can be used in BigQuery. However it turns out, because JSON functions use "$" as a reference to the segment within string, while Cloud Datalab uses "$" to refer to global variables; they conflict and give errors.
Example (not reproducible as I couldn't find any JSON-like strings in samples)
%%sql --module events_query
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(eventTypeParams, '$.restaurant-name") as str
FROM [foodit-prod:analytics.analytics_event]
When I run the thing:
events_run = bq.Query(events_query)
events = events_run.to_dataframe()
This is the error I receive:
ExceptionTraceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 events_run = bq.Query(events_query) 2 events = events_run.to_dataframe()
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gcp/bigquery/_query.pyc in init(self, sql, context, values, udfs, data_sources, **kwargs) 90 values = kwargs 91 ---> 92 self._sql = gcp.data.SqlModule.expand(sql, values, udfs) 93 94 # We need to take care not to include the same UDF code twice so we use sets.
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gcp/data/_sql_module.pyc in expand(sql, args, udfs) 127 """ 128 sql, args = SqlModule.get_sql_statement_with_environment(sql, args) --> 129 return _sql_statement.SqlStatement.format(sql._sql, args, udfs) 130 131
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gcp/data/_sql_statement.pyc in format(sql, args, udfs) 137 code = [] 138 SqlStatement._find_recursive_dependencies(sql, args, code=code, --> 139 resolved_vars=resolved_vars) 140 141 # Rebuild the SQL string, substituting just '$' for escaped $ occurrences,
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gcp/data/_sql_statement.pyc in _find_recursive_dependencies(sql, values, code, resolved_vars, resolving_vars) 80 81 # Get the set of $var references in this SQL. ---> 82 dependencies = SqlStatement._get_dependencies(sql) 83 for dependency in dependencies: 84 # Now we check each dependency. If it is in complete - i.e., we have an expansion
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gcp/data/_sql_statement.pyc in _get_dependencies(sql) 202 dependencies.append(variable) 203 elif dollar: --> 204 raise Exception('Invalid sql; $ with no following $ or identifier: %s.' % sql) 205 return dependencies 206
Exception: Invalid sql; $ with no following $ or identifier: SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(eventTypeParams, "'\$'.restaurant-name") as str FROM [foodit-prod:analytics.analytics_event].
I tried putting the $ sign in different quotes or escaping etc. None worked. Any solutions?
Can you try the following?
"{'book': {
'title':'Harry Potter'}}",
or from your example,
%%sql --module events_query
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(eventTypeParams, '$$.restaurant-name') as str
FROM [foodit-prod:analytics.analytics_event]