Here is a grammar that I used. The action after matching the rule 'Func' is called 12 times for the input string if(diff("col")) instead of 2 times.
Debugging I realised the varible peg$currPos is being set back when parsing the Eq rule. I am not able to understand the exact behaviour
Main = Eq
Eq = (Ar (('equal'i/'>='/'<='/'<>'/'!='/'<'/'>'/'=') Ar))
/Ar ('equal'i/'>='/'<='/'<>'/'!='/'<'/'>'/'=')
Ar = (Mul (('+'/'-') Mul )*) ('+'/'-')?
Mul = (Ex (('*'/'/'/'%'/'^') Ex )*) ('*'/'/'/'%'/'^')?
Ex = __ ('-'__ Main/'(' __ Main __ ')'/Func/Lit) __ /'-'
Func = __ id (('('__ Main __')')/'('__')') __ {
Lit = (col/charLit/numLit)
/ id:id
charLit "character" = string:$("'"[^']*"'")
numLit "number" = $([0-9.]+)
col "column" = col:$('"'[^"]*'"')
id "identifier" = $([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)
__ "space" = [ \t\n]*
The reason you are encountering this is because the Func
rule is matched that many times. Unfortunately, some of those matches are part of larger expressions (in the Eq
rule) that fail. That's why you see peg$currPos
being set back.
Maybe try:
Eq = Ar (('equal'i/'>='/'<='/'<>'/'!='/'<'/'>'/'=') Ar?)?