I'm currently working on forms that uses angular, PHP and mySQL to track user entries. I've converted the SQL into regular JSON in this pen http://codepen.io/StuffieStephie/full/BzmxXd/ so you can see what I'm trying to do.
When I click the Email All {{selected.field}} Volunteers
button, I'd like to have a comma separated list of all emails, that match the filter.
I can get a list by using
<b ng-repeat="d in names | filter:filters">{{d.email}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}}</b>
But how do I email those people? I feel like using ng-href
is wrong here. A point in the right direction would be appreciated!
EDIT: Okay, I kinda figured out how to do it by setting the mail link as the text content of the list modal. But this seems really wonky
<a ng-href="mailto:{{emails}}" target="_blank" class="waves-effect waves-light btn margin-bottom-1em"><i class="material-icons left">email</i>Email All {{selected.field}} Volunteers ({{(names | filter:filters).length}})</a>
$scope.hasChanged = function() {
$scope.filters = $scope.selected.field;
$scope.emails = $( "b.theEmails" ).text();
return $scope.emails;
Also, I have to change the drop down filter to run the hasChanged()
function so the value of $scope.emails
will be assigned. (I tried to give it a value outside of the function but it doesn't seem to work. Any help?
Got it! Angular is so fancy that sometimes I forget vanilla JS exists :P This could be more efficient but it works! Behold! http://codepen.io/StuffieStephie/full/QEaGPY/
// Lil function to check if empty
function isEmpty(obj) {
if (obj) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
return true;
$scope.getEmails = function(){
var statusFilter = $scope.filters;
var res = [];
for (var i=0;i<$scope.names.length;i++) {
var thisVolunteer = $scope.names[i];
var email = thisVolunteer["email"];
if (isEmpty(statusFilter) == false){ //If there's a filter, status must match
if ( thisVolunteer.status == statusFilter) {
} //END IF Matching Status
}//END IF filter
// OTHERWISE (no filter) Add/push all emails into res array
else {res.push(email); } //END ELSE add all
$scope.list = res.join(", "); //Join the emails as a comma separated list
}; //END GetEmails();
Init in HTML
<a ng-init="getEmails()" ng-href="mailto:{{list}}" target="_blank">
Email All {{selected.field}} Volunteers ({{(names | filter:filters).length}})</a>
And run the function again if the select dropdown has changed
$scope.hasChanged = function() {
$scope.filters = $scope.selected.field;
Feeling pretty proud right now :D