im trying to extract my data from json into a case class without success.
the Json file:
"name": "bb",
"loc": "sss",
"elements": [
"name": "name1",
"loc": "firstHere",
"elements": []
"name": "ca",
"loc": "sss",
"elements": []
my code :
case class ElementContainer(name : String, location : String,elements : Seq[ElementContainer])
object elementsFormatter {
implicit val elementFormatter = Json.format[ElementContainer]
object Applicationss extends App {
val el = new ElementContainer("name1", "firstHere", Seq.empty)
val el1Cont = new ElementContainer("bb","sss", Seq(el))
val source:String=Source.fromFile("src/bin/elementsTree.json").getLines.mkString
val jsonFormat = Json.parse(source)
val r1= Json.fromJson[ElementContainer](jsonFormat)
after running this im getting inside r1:
JsError(List((/elements,List(ValidationError(List(error.path.missing),WrappedArray()))), (/name,List(ValidationError(List(error.path.missing),WrappedArray()))), (/location,List(ValidationError(List(error.path.missing),WrappedArray())))))
been trying to extract this data forever, please advise
You have location
instead loc
and, you'll need to parse file into a Seq[ElementContainer]
, since it's an array, not a single ElementContainer
Also, you have the validate
method that will return you either errors or parsed json object..