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UWP EmailMessage linebreak/new line?

I'm looking for a way to put linebreaks in the body of an EmailMessage() in my UWP app.

I already tried with "\n", \r\n, Environment.NewLine, <br>, <br />, and every time it gets omitted whether on Desktop, on Mobile or both. I tried with Outlook and Gmail.

I'm using VS2015 update 3.


Edit: here's the code

    public static async Task ComposeEmail(string address, string messageSubject, StorageFile attachmentFile)
        var emailMessage = new EmailMessage();
        emailMessage.Subject = messageSubject;

        var lineBreak = Environment.NewLine;
        string body = lineBreak + lineBreak + lineBreak + lineBreak + lineBreak + lineBreak + textLoader.GetString("EmailPleaseDontCut") + lineBreak + Info.GetAllInfos();
        emailMessage.Body = body;

        if (attachmentFile != null)
            var stream = Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(attachmentFile);

            var attachment = new EmailAttachment(attachmentFile.Name, stream);


        emailMessage.To.Add(new EmailRecipient(address));

        await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(emailMessage);


  • I am showing an email like this and it's breaking it into two lines in the body

     EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage()
           Subject = "App Feedback " + Package.Current.DisplayName + " " + ApplicationServices.CurrentDevice,
           Body = "First Line\r\nSecondLine" 
     emailMessage.To.Add(new EmailRecipient() { Address = "" });
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(emailMessage);

    I think I read the same article you did on sending emails in UWP. That code you posted looks identical to it. That example sucked and it was wrong. The way I posted works way better.