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Biopython parse from variable instead of file

import gzip
import io
from Bio import SeqIO

infile = "myinfile.fastq.gz"
fileout = open("myoutfile.fastq", "w+")
with io.TextIOWrapper(, "r")) as f:
    line =

count = 0
for rec in SeqIO.parse(fileout, "fastq"): #parsing from file
    count += 1
print("%i reads" % count)

The above works when "line" is written to a file and that file is feed to the parser, but below does not work. Why can't line be read directly? Is there a way to feed "line" straight to the parser without having to write to a file first?

infile = "myinfile.fastq.gz"
#fileout = "myoutfile.fastq"
with io.TextIOWrapper(, "r")) as f:
    line =

count = 0
for rec in SeqIO.parse(line, "fastq"): #line used instead of writing from file
    count += 1
print("%i reads" % count)


  • It's because SeqIO.parse only accepts a file handler or a filename as the first parameter.

    If you want to read a gzipped file directly into SeqIO.parse just pass a handler to it:

    import gzip
    from Bio import SeqIO
    count = 0
    with"myinfile.fastq.gz") as f:
        for rec in SeqIO.parse(f, "fastq"):
            count += 1
    print("{} reads".format(count))