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How to put tooltip description in each header cell ui-grid

i wont to use angulars bootstrap tooltip in header cell of ui-grid

$scope.gridOptions = {
 //some settings
 columnDefs: [
   field: someId,
   displayName: 'Name',
   headerCellTemplate: 'linkToTemplate' //default headerCellTemplate with uib-tooltip={{tooltipDescription}},
   tooltipDescription: 'Tooltip description' //it's not working


<div role="columnheader">
    <span class="ui-grid-header-cell-label">
    <span class="icon" uib-toolotp='{{col.tooltipDescription}}' tooltip-placement='right'></span>//it's not working

what is the right way to put tooltip description in each header cell?


  • Each cell has col.colDef property with access to all properties like field, displayName, tooltipDescription etc.