I'm working on a form and am trying to create an onkeydown
function that does the following:
) (got this working ok)input
calls the same onkeydown
function (stuck here!)Tried Increment ++ but not working?
Here's where I'm up to:
<input type ="text" OnKeydown = "tab(event)" />
<div id ="insert">
function tab(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 9) {
var ins = '<input type ="text" OnKeydown = "tab(event)"/>';
The points of interest are:
function tab(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 9) {
// remove the event listener for the old element
event.target.removeEventListener('keydown', tab);
var ins = document.createElement("input");
ins.type = "text";
ins.autofocus = true;
ins.addEventListener('keydown', tab, false);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].addEventListener('keydown', tab, false);
}, false);
<input type ="text"/>
<div id ="insert">
In order to add a row of inputs like described in the comment you have to create and append a new row to the table, create 3 cells and for each one add the corresponding input field and set the tab event handler for instance on the last cell.
To create a new row in a table you can refer to insertRow, while in order to add new cells you can take a look to insertCell
function tab(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 9) {
event.target.removeEventListener('keydown', tab);
var table = document.getElementById('tbl').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
var newRow = table.insertRow(table.rows.length);
var newCell = newRow.insertCell(-1);
var ins = document.createElement("input");
ins.type = "number";
ins.autofocus = true;
newCell = newRow.insertCell(-1);
ins = document.createElement("input");
ins.type = "text";
ins.autofocus = true;
newCell = newRow.insertCell(-1);
ins = document.createElement("input");
ins.type = "number";
ins.autofocus = true;
ins.addEventListener('keydown', tab, false);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (e) {
document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].addEventListener('keydown', tab, false);
}, false);
<input type="text"/>
<div id="insert">
<table id="tbl">