TLDR: I'm looking for an algo that returns the smallest possible least common multiplier for a variable array of numbers while knowing:
I’m working with a music app and have an algo problem: When mixing different rhythms (each with a different number of steps), I need to compute the resulting number of steps for the result to loop. This is done easily with a least common multiplier calculation. Lets assume I have a lengths array that contains all the different lengths in steps
var lengths = [4,5,6,8]
//greatest common denominator
function gcd(a,b){
var t,b,a
while(b != 0){
t = b;
b = a%b
return a;
//least common multiplier
function lcm(a,b){
return a*b/gcd(a,b)
function getLoopLength(arr{
var result = 1;
for(var i = 0;i<arr.length;i++)
result = lcm(result,arr[i])
return m
==> 120
// superimposing 4 rhythm with length 4,5,6 and 8 will result in a a rhythms that loops in 120 steps
Now I need a function that computes the minimum number of steps for the following hypotheses:
So what I'm after is a function that looks like this:
var minPossibleLength(knownLength, lengthsSize){
return min
For example minPossibleLength(4,4) should return 24 (when my lengths are [2,4,8,3] or [2,4,8,6])
Now I tried brute forcing it, loop through all possible lengths combinations and find the minimum lcm, and it does work with my conditions, but I'd love to know if I can find a more elegant and efficient solution.
The following algorithm for minPossibleLength(4,4)
finds better solution than 24: least common multiple for [4, 2, 3, 6]
is 12.
var lengths = [4,5,6,8]
//greatest common denominator
function gcd(a,b){
var t,b,a
while(b != 0){
t = b;
b = a%b
return a;
//least common multiplier
function lcm(a,b){
return a*b/gcd(a,b)
function getLoopLength(arr, length){
var result = 1;
for(var i = 0;i<arr.length && i<length;i++)
result = lcm(result,arr[i])
return result
var minBound = 2;
var maxBound = 11;
function minPossibleLength(knownLength, lengthsSize) {
var min = 27720; // Maximum for bound range [2..11]
var newmin; // Newly computed minimum.
if (lengthsSize == 1)
return knownLength;
lengths[0] = knownLength;
for(var i = minBound; i<=maxBound; i++) {
if (i != knownLength) {
lengths[1] = i;
for(var j = (lengthsSize>2?i+1:maxBound); j<=maxBound; j++) {
if (lengthsSize<3 || (i != j && j!= knownLength)) {
lengths[2] = j;
for(var k = (lengthsSize>3?j+1:maxBound); k<=maxBound; k++) {
if (lengthsSize<4 || (i != k && j != k && k!= knownLength)) {
lengths[3] = k;
newmin = getLoopLength(lengths, lengthsSize)
if (newmin < min) {
min = newmin;
console.log('Minimum lcm so far for (['+knownLength+', '+i+(lengthsSize>2?', '+j+(lengthsSize>3?', '+k:''):'')+']) = '+min);
return min;