I wrote a Test for a MongoRepository in Spring Boot, and the test works fine. The only problem is that when the test is over, I want a rollback, so that there will be no change in the database caused by the test.
// package...
// imports...
@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MetistrafficApplication.class)
public class AppRepositoryTests {
private AppRepository appRepository;
public void insertTest() {
App app = new App("test");
App appInserted = appRepository.save(app);
assertThat(appInserted.getName(), equalTo(app.getName()));
I put @Transactional before @Rollback, but get this error:
java.lang.illegalstateexception:Failed to retrieve PlatformTransactionManager for @Transactional test for test context
When I searched for the error, I couldn't find any code with MongoRepository. So, how can I solve this?
EDIT: After adding @Transactional("PlatformTransactionManager")
, the error I get is changed to this:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'PlatformTransactionManager' is defined: No matching PlatformTransactionManager bean found for qualifier 'PlatformTransactionManager' - neither qualifier match nor bean name match!
As far as I know, there isn't an implementation of Spring's TransactionManager for MongoDB since it is not transactional in the ACID sense. So no, you cannot use @Transactional annotations with MongoDB and you'll have to do all the cleanup manually or else use DBUnit and add your own extensions for MongoDB.
EDIT: As Petter mentioned in his answer, starting with MongoDB 4.0, MongoDB has support for ACID transactions and you can find the official SpringData examples on GitHub and also have the feature's release post in Spring's developer blog