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Unicode value \uXXXX to Character in Javascript

I've never done this before and am not sure why it's outputting the infamous encoding character. Any ideas on how to output characters as they should (ASCII+Unicode)? I think \u0041-\u005A should print A-Z in UTF-8, which Firefox is reporting is the page encoding.

   var c   = new Array("F","E","D","C","B","A",9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0);
   var n   = 0;
   var d   = "";
   var o   = "";

   for (var i=16;i--;){
      for (var j=16;j--;){
         for (var k=16;k--;){
            for (var l=16;l--;){

               d =  c[i].toString()
                 +  c[j].toString()
                 +  c[k].toString()
                 +  c[l].toString();

               o += ( ++n + ": " 
                    + d   + " = " 
                    + String.fromCharCode("\\u" + d) 
                    + "\n<br />" );

               if(n>=500){i=j=k=l=0;} // stop early



  • The .fromCharCode() function takes a number, not a string. You can't put together a string like that and expect the parser to do what you think it'll do; that's just not the way the language works.

    You could ammend your code to make a string (without the '\u') from your hex number, and call

    var n = parseInt(hexString, 16);

    to get the value. Then you could call .fromCharCode() with that value.