Search code examples

How to sort MongoDB results by element in array that matches a condition?

I have a collection of places which is like this :

"_id" : ObjectId("575014da6b028f07bef51d10"),
"name" : "MooD",
"categories" : [
        "categoryList" : [Nightlife, Bar],
        "weight" : 8
        "categoryList" : [Restaurant, Italian Restaurant],
        "weight" : 4

I want to search in places by a category, for example "Bar". So, I look into categories' categoryList if there is "Bar". After that, I want to sort by the weight of the matched category's weight, so that the above place (where Bar weight is 8) appears before another place where Bar weight is 5.


  • You have to use aggregation framework. Check this:

        { $unwind: '$scores' },
        { $match: {
            'scores.categoryList': 'Bar'
        { $sort: {
            'scores.weight': -1