When I try to route from /players to /players/:playerId in my Angularjs-porject the URL updates to players#/players/4173 and not to the desired players/4173. This is the href:
<a href="#/players/4173">playerName</a>
and this is the route config:
when('/players/:playerId', {
template: '<player-detail></player-detail>'
I can manually type .../players/4173 and it works, but when clicking it does not work and I see the URL
What's wrong?
NOTE: The live code from Angularjs own tutorial has the same error in my browser:
They missed that (#!) in the early example code of the tutorial I followed.
When you now navigate to /index.html
, you are redirected to /index.html#!/players
than your links should look like this:
<a href="#!/players/4173">playerName</a>