I have a Jenkins pipeline job called "TestPipeline". I want to trigger a build on 2 different slaves which labeled "tester1' and "tester2". And the pipeline script is quite simple here:
node('tester1') {
build 'test_job'
node('tester2') {
build 'test_job'
However when I run the TestPipeline job, the "test_job" won't run on the nodes which I assigned. But run on random node instead.
I'm wondering if I should set "Restrict where this project can be run" on my "test_job". So I set it to "tester" (The "tester" label contains both node "tester1" and "tester2"). But when I run the pipeline job again, the "test_job" runs on "tester2" twice. I should expect the job to run on "tester1" first and then run on "tester2". Why is that? Is it because the "node" step doesn't matter when it comes to which node the build step should be built on?
Please see the bug here. The solution is as follows.
build job: 'test_job', parameters: [[$class: 'LabelParameterValue', name: 'node', label: 'tester1']]
build job: 'test_job', parameters: [[$class: 'LabelParameterValue', name: 'node', label: 'tester2']]
And the job will be built as I wanted.
However, I think it is only a workaround. I still believe this is a bug. Because the node step should do its job instead of letting other plugins to do for it.