I've implemented the default search in my angularjs app, the code is as below:
<input type="text" ng-model="searchKeyword" placeholder="Search records...">
<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="record in records | filter: searchKeyword">
<label class="ms-pl-xs">
<input type="checkbox">{{record.value}} [{{record.count}}]
The issue I'm facing here, is, suppose someone happens to fire up some keyword that isn't there in the records that are being ng-repeated. I want a message to come up, stating "Nothing found" or whatsoever.
How do I implement that logic? I've gone through different articles and several questions over here, couldn't find anything in this regard. How do I see for whether the length of the terms searched is zero, so that I can ng-if that thing and display the message? Thanks!
If you are using Angular 1.3+, you can use an alias:
<input type="text" ng-model="searchKeyword" placeholder="Search records..." />
<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="record in records | filter: searchKeyword as found">
<label class="ms-pl-xs">
<input type="checkbox">{{record.value}} [{{record.count}}]
<div ng-if="found === 0">
Nothing found
If instead you have to use an older Angular, you can assign the result of the filter to a new array, and then check it's length:
<input type="text" ng-model="searchKeyword" placeholder="Search records..." />
<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="record in filteredRecords = (records | filter: searchKeyword)">
<label class="ms-pl-xs">
<input type="checkbox">{{record.value}} [{{record.count}}]
<div ng-if="filteredRecords.length === 0">
Nothing found