For example I have connection type:
let usersType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Users',
description: 'users array',
fields: () => ({
array: {
type: userConnection,
description: 'all users',
args: connectionArgs,
searchFor: {
type: GraphQLString
resolve: (root, args) => {
return connectionFromArray(get(), args);
in this case in query I can specify only (first, last, after, before) arguments, but what if I need to pass some additional arguments like userName etc. is that possible?
basically I need something like:
query {
array (first: 1, userName: "name")
and in users type I can handle request like:
resolve: (root, args) => connectionFromArray(get(args.userName), args.args)
Yes it's possible, you just need to extend the relay helper connectionArgs
with the new argument like this:
args: {
searchFor: { type: GraphQLString }
And then access it in the resolve
resolve: (root, args) => {
// if the field argument 'searchFor' exists
if (args.searchFor) {