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Code chunk font size in Beamer with knitr and latex

I am trying get some R code to fit on my beamer slides. It does not seem possible to change the font size via the size argument for the code chunk as you might do for other knitr type documents. The only way seems to be with \footnotesize before every code chunk. This gets frustrating, as I have lots of code chunks and in many cases I then have to use \normalsize after for my LaTeX bullet points.

title: "Untitled"
   in_header: header.txt

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, size = "footnotesize")

## R Markdown



enter image description here

In my header.txt (below) I have experimented with a couple of bits of code from but with no luck.


\def\alltt{\@ifnextchar[\alltt@i \alltt@ii}

... but really out my depth with \def.


  • Drawing on this tex.SE answer, we could redefine the Shaded environment that surrounds R code to make it footnotesize (and the verbatim environment for output). Add this to your header.txt:

    %% change fontsize of R code
    %% change fontsize of output