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custom directive's link function is invoked before ng-repeat is replcaed

I have the following directive:

.directive("picSwitcher", ["$timeout", function($timeout){
return {
    restrict: "A",
    scope: {
        pics: "=",
        fadeTime: "@",
    template: '<img ng-repeat="pic in pics" src="{{pic.url}}" style="display: none"/>',
    link:   function ($scope, element){
                //some code...
                $(element.find("img")[0]).css({display: "block"});

my problem is, when my link function is invoked - ng repeat is yet to "compile" (what word should be used here instead of compiled?)

so I am trying to set css of undefined.. how can I force the link function to run after ng-repeat finished?!

for now I am solving this by replacing $(element.find("img")[0]).css({display: "block"}); with $timeout(function(){ $(element.find("img")[0]).css({display: "block"});}, 200);

but that feels 'hacky'

is there something I am missing to achieve my goal in an easier way? in general, what is the best way to manipulate ng-repeat dom element inside the link function of a custom directive?

Thanks, Jimmy.


  • you can check $scope.$evalAsync

        $(element.find("img")[0]).css({display: "block"});

    This will make the function executed after the dom rendering.

    Also, using $timeout is not a bad idea if u set the delay to 0

        $(element.find("img")[0]).css({display: "block"});}, 

    will also do the trick i think.

    More reference