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How to remove all SubcriteriaList from projectionCriteria in Hibernate (Java) - prevent from using left join

I am working with Hibernate and dto,dao design patterns (Java).

i have an entity class and attribute in it and they are defined with @ManyToOne annotation.

I would like to create a count query and "tell" hibernate "DO NOT JOIN" with @ManyToOne tables

While creating a count query:

(Long) crit.setProjection(Projections.count("id")).uniqueResult();

The sql exceute by hibernate is with left join in it .

Even if i count explicitly on the @Id annotation from the entity class . The actual query appear is with LEFT JOIN for all the "other tables".

That SQL query build by Hibernate - is not efficient since there is no reason for creating a left join when @ManyToOne is set.

After trying and reading about hibernate i found out about FetchMode but even when setting FetchMode.LAZY

.setFetchMode("brand", FetchMode.LAZY)

The Sql from hiberante having left join in it.

i have also attached the photo from debug that showing all the SubcriteriaList which is under projectionCriteria .

How could i tell Hibernate DON'T left join Tables from entity class ? (without writing SQL query by myself) ?

This is where

public Response findAll() {
    Criteria crit = getDtoCriteria();

public Criteria getDtoCriteria() {
    return getDtoCriteria(getDtoClass(), getSession());

public Criteria getDtoCriteria(Class clazz, Session session) {

    Criteria crit = createEntityCriteria(session);
    setProjecttionForDto(crit, true, clazz);
    return crit;

This all are my Subcriteria

[Subcriteria(bran*******ance:bran*******ance), Subcriteria(buc*****:buc*****), Subcriteria(br****:br****), Subcriteria(dyn***:dyn***), Subcriteria(dyna*****.user:user)]


  • Try using FetchMode.SELECT instead:

    (Long) crit.setFetchMode("brand",FetchMode.SELECT)