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Angular UI Grid: How to bind HTML with the cellTemplate, AND dynamically build HTML that ng-click works on

Here is a plunker as requested-

I am using the controllerAs pattern. I have been using the cell template with a filter($sce) to sanitize, and then build HTML. For the life of me, I cannot get the ng-click to register to my controller.

I can change the cell template to cellTemplate:'<button ng-click="grid.appScope.user.delete(\'works!\')">X</button>'-> This works.

Is there anyway to NOT use cell template and still get to the controller? Details column is where I am having issues.

Thanks for reading!

Related issues-

Here is the code-

        var user = this;

        user.gridDefs = [{
                            displayName: 'User ID',
                            name: 'userId',
                            width: "10%"
                        }, {
                            name: 'firstName',
                            width: "15%"
                        }, {
                            name: 'lastName',
                            width: "15%"
                        }, {
                            name: 'email',
                            cellTemplate: '<div ng-bind-html="COL_FIELD |trustedclean"></div>',
                            width: "25%"
                        }, {
                            name: 'username',
                            width: "15%"
                        }, {
                            name: 'details',
                            cellTemplate:'<div ng-bind-html="COL_FIELD |trustedclean"></div>'
                            width: "20%"
                        }, ];

user.gridData =, function(user) {
                    var buildDetailsString = buildDetails(user.uid);
                    var object = {
                        'userId': user.Id,
                        'firstName': user.firstName,
                        'lastName': user.lastName,
                        'email': '<a href=\"mailto:' + user.primaryEmail + '\">' + user.primaryEmail + '</a>',
                        'username': user.uid,
                        'details': '<div><a href=\"#/viewuser/'+user.uid+'/true\">View</a>/<a ng-click=\"user.deleteUser('+user.uid+')\">Delete</a></div>'
                    return object;

    user.deleteUser = function(uid) {


Here is the HTML-

<div id="grid2" ui-grid="{ data: user.gridData, columnDefs:user.gridDefs}" class="grid"></div>


  • Answering my own question-

    Do not sanitize, and use ng-bind on ui-grid. Use the template to manage your cells. This is what I did.
