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C# CSVWriter how to avoid getting empty line at the end of writing all lines to a file

I am using CSVWriter to write to csv by using the following link:

How to create csv with header and footer using LinqtoCsv or anything better in C#

But for some reason i am getting an empty line created at the end. Can anyone help me what am i doing wrong or how can i avoid getting an empty line?

Here is the code to create csv using csvwriter:

        using (var writer = File.AppendText(outputCsv))
            var csv = new CsvWriter(writer);
            csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
            csv.Configuration.QuoteNoFields = true;
            csv.Configuration.Delimiter = "|";

            csv.WriteRecord(new CSVFooterRecord()
                FooterText =

When i open the file in Notepad++, i can see an empty line at the end.

Appreciate help with regard to this.



  • You could do


    instead of

    csv.WriteRecord(new CSVFooterRecord()
        FooterText =