Can anyone help me? I'm writing a script for a "Luck Game" with the objectives
Take user input of any number they wish, generate a random number from 0 to the number they input and display it in a result array.
Simulate a game of "Heads or Tails" and also display that result in the same result array (I will be using associative arrays)
Run the two objectives above for a total of 6 times.
Display the results in a table.
Total the amount of 'Heads' and the total amount of 'Tails' each and display them.
Return the smallest number out of the 6 results.
I've already completed items 1, 2, and 3. I just need help on item 6. How to display my results on a 2x7 table with the headings "Coin Side" and "Number" as well as how to sum up all the "heads" and "tails" of the 6 trials, and also return the smallest number generated?
<div id = "luckGame"></div>
var userInput = prompt("Enter maximum number output: ");
printThis = document.getElementById('luckGame');
function coinFlip() {
return (Math.floor(Math.random() < 2) === 0) ? 'Heads' ; 'Tails';
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var result = [];
result["randomNum"] = (Math.floor(Math.random()*userInput);
result["coin"] = (coinFlip());
printThis.innerHTML = result["coin"] + " " + result["randomNum"];
//This loop will run 6 times.
//This should print for example: Heads 29 but I need to put all the results
//in a 2x7 table with labels "Coin Side" and "Number" included. How do I do this?
//Code here needed to sum total of 'Heads' and 'Tails'
//Code here needed to return the smallest number from the results.
My CSS for the table
.results {
border: 1px solid black;
width: 200px;
height: 20px;
My rough table
var resultsTable = "<table class= 'results'><tr><td>" + "Coin Side" + "</td><td>" + "Number" + "</td></tr>";
resultsTable += "<tr><td> + result["coin"] + "</td><td> + result["randomNum"] + </td></tr>";
... // repeat 4 more times.
resultsTable += "<tr><td> + result["coin"] + "</td><td> + result["randomNum"] + </td></tr></table>;
If I need to put more details please let me know.
First, create a table with headers
var table = document.createElement("table");
table.innerHTML = "<tr><th>Coin Side</th><th>Number</th></tr>";
Then in your loop simply add this code at the end to add a row to the table
var row = document.createElement("tr");
var coinCell = document.createElement("td");
var numCell = document.createElement("td");
coinCell.innerHTML = result["coin"];
numCell.innerHTML = result["randomNum"];
And finally, add the table to the document
For counting heads and tails, add this code to your existing loop
(result["coin"] === "Heads") ? heads++ : tails++
Just create two global variables and set them to zero first
var heads = 0;
var tails = 0;
For getting the min value, first create a global variable set to the max value
var min = eval(userInput);
Then, in your loop, check if the generated number is less than the current min
if(result["randomNum"] < min)
min = result["randomNum"];