trying to replicate somewhat the Medium editor.
The aim is so that the user can only have text or only have image inside a single paragraph.
When the user focus's on Summernote the insert image button is shown, as soon as they start typing it hides until they hit return and start a new paragraph and then the process starts again.
I have tested this basicly using the keyCode and checking if they are pressing keys or the return key for a new paragraph. But the issue comes when the user deletes text. If they delete (backspace) a whole paragraph's content then the insert image button should show again.
The only way I can think of is to get the current p tag that the user is editing and check its length on key up. But im having a real issue with getting that current p tag and its content. The rest is easy after that.
Any suggestions?
if ( activeParagraph.text().length) {
} else {
Found what I needed.
var selection = window.getSelection();
var length = selection.anchorOffset;
Running a console.log on the selection var here will give a ton of information.