I'm currently developing an app on UWP platform, even though its not of high importance since its school work only, I wish to make some smooth transitions at menu opening. I made two states of menu but I just can't figure out how to change state when "open menu" button is pressed, does anyone have any idea how to do that?
BTW menu is an StackPanel, hope I choose it rights
Thanks for your time
I believe this should do the trick:
Add these to the owning window/page/control:
And set the button as such:
<Button x:Name="TheButton"
<core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="Click">
<core:GoToStateAction StateName="TheStateToMoveTo"
TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=NameOfTheObjectWithTheStates}"
UseTransitions="True" />
The event should be caught by the trigger and the behavior should make the state transition occur.