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Angular 2 component without selector tag in DOM

I want this:

<div *ngIf="...">div 1...</div>
<div *ngIf="...">div 2...</div>
<div *ngIf="...">div 3...</div>

But I don't wanna repeat the *ngIf, so I created my component <my-component>, with this template:

<div>div 1...</div>
<div>div 2...</div>
<div>div 3...</div>

And I put *ngIf in my component tag: <my-component *ngIf="...">

The problem is that Angular 2 is putting the <my-component> tag in the DOM, and I don't want it.

For anyone who knows ASP.NET WebForms, I want a component in Angular 2 that works like <asp:PlaceHolder> control...


  • Use equivalent expanded *ngIf notation with template tag:

    <template [ngIf]="check">
      <div>div 1...</div>
      <div>div 2...</div>
      <div>div 3...</div>  