Search code examples

Checklist directive stops working after changing array

So i have the following directive:

app.directive('checklistModel', ['$parse', '$compile', function($parse, $compile) {
    // contains
    function contains(arr, item, comparator) {
        if (angular.isArray(arr)) {
            for (var i = arr.length; i--;) {
                if (comparator(arr[i], item)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    // add
    function add(arr, item, comparator) {
        arr = angular.isArray(arr) ? arr : [];
        if(!contains(arr, item, comparator)) {
        return arr;

    // remove
    function remove(arr, item, comparator) {
        if (angular.isArray(arr)) {
            for (var i = arr.length; i--;) {
                if (comparator(arr[i], item)) {
                    arr.splice(i, 1);
        return arr;

    function postLinkFn(scope, elem, attrs) {
        // compile with `ng-model` pointing to `checked`

        // getter / setter for original model
        var getter = $parse(attrs.checklistModel);
        var setter = getter.assign;
        var checklistChange = $parse(attrs.checklistChange);

        // value added to list
        var value = $parse(attrs.checklistValue)(scope.$parent);

        var comparator = angular.equals;

        if (attrs.hasOwnProperty('checklistComparator')){
            comparator = $parse(attrs.checklistComparator)(scope.$parent);

        // watch UI checked change
        scope.$watch('checked', function(newValue, oldValue) {
            if (newValue === oldValue) {
            var current = getter(scope.$parent);
            if (newValue === true) {
                setter(scope.$parent, add(current, value, comparator));
            } else {
                setter(scope.$parent, remove(current, value, comparator));

            if (checklistChange) {

        // declare one function to be used for both $watch functions
        function setChecked(newArr, oldArr) {
            scope.checked = contains(newArr, value, comparator);

        // watch original model change
        // use the faster $watchCollection method if it's available
        if (angular.isFunction(scope.$parent.$watchCollection)) {
            scope.$parent.$watchCollection(attrs.checklistModel, setChecked);
        } else {
            scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.checklistModel, setChecked, true);

    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        priority: 1000,
        terminal: true,
        scope: true,
        compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
            if (tElement[0].tagName !== 'INPUT' || tAttrs.type !== 'checkbox') {
                throw 'checklist-model should be applied to `input[type="checkbox"]`.';

            if (!tAttrs.checklistValue) {
                throw 'You should provide `checklist-value`.';

            // exclude recursion

            // local scope var storing individual checkbox model
            tElement.attr('ng-model', 'checked');

            return postLinkFn;

Basicly what it does is it allows me to create the following:

 <label class="i-checks">
        <input type="checkbox" checklist-model="selectedUsers" class="userChecker"

Basicly whever a checkbox has been clicked the item is being added to a seperate list in this case the object user is added to the list selectedUsers

Now i am creating a select all function that looks something like this:

  scope.selectAll = function () {
    var filteredItems = $filter('filter')(scope.uninvitedList,;
    if (!scope.checkAll) {
        scope.selectedUsers = [];
    else {
        scope.selectedUsers = filteredItems;


What this allows me to is to select all visible elements

Once i press this it correctly adds all of the users to a list and checks off all the checkboxes. i click it again and it sets it to an empty array however there is a problem:

  1. The list check box is still checked as shown on the picture below

  2. i am no longer able to select individuals and add them to the list.

enter image description here Can anyone see what ive done wrong?


  • Looks like a dot-rule problem at selectedUsers scope variable. Please have a look at this SO question to see what I mean.

    In the demo I'm using selection.selectedUsers to make the two-way binding work.

    Please have a look at a working demo below or this jsfiddle.

    angular.module('demoApp', [])
      .controller('mainController', function($scope, $timeout) {
        $scope.users = [{
          id: 0,
          name: 'John'
        }, {
          id: 1,
          name: 'Jane'
        $scope.selection = {
          selectedUsers: [$scope.users[0]]
        }; //[$scope.users[0]];
        $scope.selectAll = function() {
          $scope.selection.selectedUsers = $scope.checkAll ?
            angular.copy($scope.users) : [];
      .directive('checklistModel', ['$parse', '$compile',
        function($parse, $compile) {
          // contains
          function contains(arr, item, comparator) {
            if (angular.isArray(arr)) {
              for (var i = arr.length; i--;) {
                if (comparator(arr[i], item)) {
                  return true;
            return false;
          // add
          function add(arr, item, comparator) {
            arr = angular.isArray(arr) ? arr : [];
            if (!contains(arr, item, comparator)) {
            return arr;
          // remove
          function remove(arr, item, comparator) {
            if (angular.isArray(arr)) {
              for (var i = arr.length; i--;) {
                if (comparator(arr[i], item)) {
                  arr.splice(i, 1);
            return arr;
          function postLinkFn(scope, elem, attrs) {
            // compile with `ng-model` pointing to `checked`
            // getter / setter for original model
            var getter = $parse(attrs.checklistModel);
            var setter = getter.assign;
            var checklistChange = $parse(attrs.checklistChange);
            // value added to list
            var value = $parse(attrs.checklistValue)(scope.$parent);
            var comparator = angular.equals;
            if (attrs.hasOwnProperty('checklistComparator')) {
              comparator = $parse(attrs.checklistComparator)(scope.$parent);
            // watch UI checked change
            scope.$watch('checked', function(newValue, oldValue) {
              if (newValue === oldValue) {
              var current = getter(scope.$parent);
              if (newValue === true) {
                setter(scope.$parent, add(current, value, comparator));
              } else {
                setter(scope.$parent, remove(current, value, comparator));
              if (checklistChange) {
            // declare one function to be used for both $watch functions
            function setChecked(newArr, oldArr) {
              scope.checked = contains(newArr, value, comparator);
            // watch original model change
            // use the faster $watchCollection method if it's available
            if (angular.isFunction(scope.$parent.$watchCollection)) {
              scope.$parent.$watchCollection(attrs.checklistModel, setChecked);
            } else {
              scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.checklistModel, setChecked, true);
          return {
            restrict: 'A',
            priority: 1000,
            terminal: true,
            scope: true,
            compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
              if (tElement[0].tagName !== 'INPUT' || tAttrs.type !== 'checkbox') {
                throw 'checklist-model should be applied to `input[type="checkbox"]`.';
              if (!tAttrs.checklistValue) {
                throw 'You should provide `checklist-value`.';
              // exclude recursion
              // local scope var storing individual checkbox model
              tElement.attr('ng-model', 'checked');
              return postLinkFn;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="mainController">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkAll" ng-change="selectAll()" />check all
      <div ng-repeat="user in users">
        <label class="i-checks">
          <input type="checkbox" checklist-model="selection.selectedUsers" class="userChecker" data-checklist-value="user">{{}}
    Debugging models here:
    {{selection.selectedUsers | json : 2}}
    user model:
    {{users | json: 2}}