I have 7300 *.csv files in a temp directory. I want to zip these into a zip archive in R. I'm using the following code, which is taking FOREVER. Is there a way to do this faster, short of exiting R and using the WinZip program?
fileListing = list.files( pattern = '*.csv' )
outZipFileName = gsub( '.zip', '_TZflts.zip', zipName )
sapply(seq_along( fileListing),function(ii) zip( outZipFileName, fileListing[ii] ) )
Another problem is that the zip process in the code spawns tons of garbage files, besides the zip file and its csv contents.
Thank you.
You do not need to loop through the files, zip
can take a vector of the files to be zipped: this should speed things up. From ?zip
files is : 'A character vector of recorded filepaths to be included.'
# write some files to be zipped
for(i in 1:10) write.csv(mtcars, paste0("SOtemp", i, ".csv"))
# zip
zip("SOzip", files=list.files(pattern="SOtemp\\d"))
# remove files from this example
# file.remove(c("SOzip.zip", list.files(pattern="SOtemp\\d")))