I'm currently trying to access objects within other objects using Meteor. The Object looks like:
title: "Bubble Explosion",
createdAt: new Date(),
label: {
status: "live",
class: "success"
My problem is that I dont know how to access the status and class of the label object. All other attributes just work fine..
{{#each imports}}
{{> tableRow}}
<template name="tableRow">
<span class="label label-{{label}} text-xs-left">{{label.status}}
Any suggestions?
You have to specify a helper for your template to retrieve data, like that: {Doc here}
<template name="table">
{{#each getImports}}
{{> tableRow}}
<template name="tableRow">
<span class="label label-{{label.class}} text-xs-left">{{label.status}}
getImports() {
return [
title: "Bubble Explosion",
createdAt: new Date(),
label: {
status: "live",
class: "success"
title: "Bubble Explosion #2",
createdAt: new Date(),
label: {
status: "live",
class: "success"
To work with MongoDB data you can update you mytemplate.js file
Template.table.onCreated(function() {
let instance = this;
/* Subscribe to data */
getImports() {
return Imports.find({}).fetch()