I have the command below which extracts rows that are duplicates based on their second column (file.csv
is comma-separated):
awk -F',' '{print $2}' file.csv | sort | uniq -d | grep -F -f - file.csv >file.bad
But on Solaris, this command doesn't work because of the -F
parameter of the grep
command is not supported.
Example of lines in the original file:
"A","TEST2","Other A","TEST2",...
"A","TEST","Other B","TEST",...
Example of lines in the new file:
"A","TEST","Other B","TEST",...
cat sample.csv
"A","TEST2","Other A","TEST2",...
"A","TEST","Other B","TEST",...
run below:
awk -F, 'NR==FNR{a[$2]++;next} (a[$2]>1)' sample.csv sample.csv > new_file.csv
content of new_file.csv
"A","TEST","Other B","TEST",...
What I did is it reads sample 2 times. The first time store 2nd field in an array, and then the 2nd time check if 2nd field occurrence time is more than once, we print out the line.
store 2nd field in array a
and then go next record/line
(a[$2]>1) when the 2nd time read sample.csv file, checks the array whether 2nd field occurrence more than once, if 2nd field has duplicates, print out the line