I want to use auto-value with firebase 9.2.0+. I have the following code:
public abstract class Office {
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_Office.Builder();
public abstract double latitud();
public abstract double longitud();
public static abstract class Builder {
public abstract Builder latitud(double latitud);
public abstract Builder longitud(double longitud);
public abstract Office build();
But when I make to call this Office office = childDataSnapshot.getValue(Office.class);
I am getting this error:
com.google.firebase.database.DatabaseException: No properties to serialize found on class com.example.app.model.Office
Somebody have an idea why I am getting this error and how to solve it? I read that firebase is no longer using jackson
for json serialization. So I am not sure how to specify a kind of @JsonProperty("latitud")
I have used @PropertyName
I also tried rename the abstract methods like public abstract double getLatitud();
and after that the error is the next one:
java.lang.InstantiationException: Can't instantiate abstract class com.example.app.model.Office
So I am not sure how to solve this.
Thanks to hatboysam and Frank van Puffelen I finally could face this problem with the next solution.
and Phone
classes for testing.Dependencies:
compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.8.0'
compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.8.0'
Usage example:
User user = FirebaseUtil.deserialize(dataSnapshot, User.class);
Map<String, Object> map = FirebaseUtil.serialize(user);
I'm not sure this is possible with the default Firebase data mapper, but there is a possible workaround. First let's explain the errors you're seeing:
com.google.firebase.database.DatabaseException: No properties to serialize found on class com.example.app.model.Office
The Firebase mapper looks for either public
fields or fields named with the getFoo
pattern. So on your class the mapper does not see any properties.
java.lang.InstantiationException: Can't instantiate abstract class com.example.app.model.Office
This is the one I think you'll have trouble getting around. In order for the deserialization to work your class needs to have a public, no-argument constructor that the mapper can call via reflection (newInstance()
). As far as I know this is not how AutoValue works.
But don't lose hope!. According to this github issue there is a way to make Jackson and AutoValue compatible using the @JsonCreator
annotation. So you'll need to use both Jackson and Firebase to get the job done here.
// Convert to a Map<String,Object> using Jackson and then pass that to Firebase
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map = mapper.convertValue(office, Map.class);
// Use Firebase to convert to a Map<String,Object>
GenericTypeIndicator<Map<String,Object>> t = new GenericTypeIndicator<Map<String,Object>>() {};
Map<String,Object> map = dataSnap.getValue(t);
// Use Jackson to convert from a Map to an Office object
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Office pojo = mapper.convertValue(map, Office.class);