I'm trying to get stats of a webRTC app to measure audio/video streaming bandwidth. I checked this question and I found it very useful; however, when I try to use it I get
TypeError: Not enough arguments to RTCPeerConnection.getStats.
I think that is because of in 2016 something in webRTC is changed and now there are mediaStreamTracks; however I built the project without mediaStreamTracks and I don't know how to change this function to get it to work.
Do you have any ideas? Thanks for your support!
My call is
peer.pc.onaddstream = function(event) {
peer.remoteVideoEl.setAttribute("id", event.stream.id);
attachMediaStream(peer.remoteVideoEl, event.stream);
and getStats() is identical to this link at chapter n.7.
been sometime since I used WebRTC, problem then was, chrome and firefox implemented it differently( believe they still do it differently)
webrtc stats tab is about:webrtc
peerConnection.getStats(null).then(function(stats){... // returns a promise
webrtc stats tab is chrome://webrtc-internals/
peerConnection.getStats(function(stats){ // pass a callback function
one way to circumvent these cross browser issues is using adapter.js