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multiple successes in Coq branching and backtracking?

I am having trouble understanding the concept of multiple successes in Coq's (8.5p1, ch9.2) branching and backtracking behavior. For example, from the documentation:

Backtracking branching

We can branch with the following structure:

expr1 + expr2

Tactics can be seen as having several successes. When a tactic fails it asks for more successes of the prior tactics. expr1 + expr2 has all the successes of v1 followed by all the successes of v2.

What I don't understand, is why do we need multiple successes in the first place? Isn't one success good enough to finish a proof?

Also from the documentation, it seems that there are less costly branching rules that are somehow "biased", including

first [ expr1 | ::: | exprn ]


expr1 || expr2

Why do we need the more costly option + and not always use the latter, more efficient tacticals?


  • The problem is that you are sometimes trying to discharge a goal but further subgoals might lead to a solution you thought would work to be rejected. If you accumulate all the successes then you can backtrack to wherever you made a wrong choice and explore another branch of the search tree.

    Here is a silly example. let's say I want to prove this goal:

    Goal exists m, m = 1.

    Now, it's a fairly simple goal so I could do it manually but let's not. Let's write a tactic that, when confronted with an exists, tries all the possible natural numbers. If I write:

    Ltac existNatFrom n :=
      exists n || existNatFrom (S n).
    Ltac existNat := existNatFrom O.

    then as soon as I have run existNat, the system commits to the first successful choice. In particular this means that despite the recursive definition of existNatFrom, when calling existNat I'll always get O and only O.

    The goal cannot be solved:

    Goal exists m, m = 1.
      Fail (existNat; reflexivity).

    On the other hand, if I use (+) instead of (||), I'll go through all possible natural numbers (in a lazy manner, by using backtracking). So writing:

    Ltac existNatFrom' n :=
      exists n + existNatFrom' (S n).
    Ltac existNat' := existNatFrom' O.

    means that I can now prove the goal:

    Goal exists m, m = 1.
      existNat'; reflexivity.