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OnlinePlayer Location Loop

I have a method that creates a wall and uses the parameter Location l. This is triggered when a snowball hits a block or person and creates the wall along the X or Z axes. My problem is that if I use Location l, I can't use Player p to get which direction the player is facing and rotate the wall along the X and Z axes accordingly. If I use Player p, I can't find the Location of the block hit by the snowball. So to solve my dilemma, I used Location l and for when Player p was needed I looped through all online player locations and find a player who was at Location l and then casted it to Player p.

My Code:

public static void wall(Location l){
        Player p = null;
        for(Player players: Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()){
            if (players.getLocation().equals(l)){
                p = players;

My Questions:

Is this a valid solution to the issue? Was it valid but did I do it incorrectly? Is there a better way to solve the problem?

Thanks in advance!


  • One solution could be extending Location to keep track of the player(s) that are at that location.

    public static void wall(Location l) {
        List<Player> pList = l.getPlayers();
        for(Player p : pList) {
            //do Something

    Since you're already storing Location in Player, you can update the values whenever the player moves to a new location.

    Another solution would be to maintain a Map of Locations and Players

    Map <Location, Set<Player>> locationPlayerMap //or
    Map <Player, Location> playerLocationMap

    Determining which solution is the best really comes down to factors like: "How Many Players are going to be on a Server", "How many Locations are there", "Are Multiple Players Allowed at a single Location", etc...

    EDIT: You can also structure your method like the following:

    public static void wall(Object o) {
        if(o instanceof Player) {
            //Snowball hit a player, use the direction they are facing and location
        } else if(o instanceof Location) {
            //Showball hit a Location, use some other factor.