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Open itunes window inside ios cordova application

i`m using apache cordova to build ios applications from some html, css and js. At this time i need to open other application inside opened application, for this purposes i use startapp plugin. Everything is ok, but i want opening itunes window inside app with link on application that need to open if application not installed. Here is function that i wrote, but it not give me the result that i want:

function appToApp(identifier, iTunesUrl, success, fail) {
    var app;

    // Init app starter
    if(device.platform === 'iOS') {
        app = startApp.set(identifier);
    } else if(device.platform === 'Android') {
        app = startApp.set({
            "package": identifier

    console.log('Checking ' + identifier + ' application existence...');
    app.check(function(values) {
        console.log('ok, application installed!');

        // Run application
        console.log('Running ' + identifier + ' application...');

        // Start application
        app.start(function() {
            console.log('App with identifier = ' + identifier + ' opened!');
            if (typeof(success) == 'function') {
        }, function(error) {
            console.log('Can not open app with identifier = ' + identifier + '!');
            if (typeof(fail) == 'function') {

    }, function(error) {
        console.warn('Something wrong with application, checking failed!');

        // Open iTunes
        var iTunes = startApp.set('itunes://');
        iTunes.start(function() {
            console.log('iTunes opened!');
        }, function(error) {
            console.warn('Can not open iTunes!');



Thanks in advance


  • As a result i have used this cordova plugins Custom-URL-scheme, AppAvailability.

    First of all i attached custom scheme to app that need launch form another app:

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-customurlscheme --variable URL_SCHEME=mycoolapp

    Function that open app:

     * Run app from other app
     * Dependencies:
     * @param {string} scheme - scheme part of url
     * @param {string} url - custom application url
     * @param {string} iTunesUrl - url on application that located on iTunes
    function appToApp(scheme, url, iTunesUrl) {
            // URI Scheme or Package Name
            function() {
                // Success callback
                console.log(scheme + ' is available :)');
                // Open application
      , '_system');
            function() {
                // Error callback
                console.log(scheme + ' is not available :(');
                if (iTunesUrl) {
                    console.log('Installing app from iTunes');
          , '_system');
                } else {
                    alert("Application " + scheme +  " is not available on this device, please install application first");