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Hide a dialog through a factory

I am using angular material.

I created a factory to display a loading modal.

I can display it, but I can't dismiss it.

Could you tell me why, or tell me how to do it ?

Here is my factory :

(function() {
'use strict';

    .factory('ProgressFactory', ProgressFactory);

ProgressFactory.$inject = ['$mdDialog'];

/* @ngInject */
function ProgressFactory($mdDialog) {
    var service = {
        show: show,
        cancel: cancel
    return service;


    function show() {
            templateUrl: 'miscellaneous/progress/progress.dialog.html',
            parent: angular.element(document.body),
            clickOutsideToClose: false,
            fullscreen: false

    function cancel() {

And I call it like this :

        function logout() {;
        authFactory.logout().then(function() {

So the loader is shown, but isn't dismissed.


  • FOUND IT !

    My server is running on the same machine that my application uses.

    I was calling $mdDialog.cancel(); too fast visibly, so I added a 1s timeout in the factory, and now the dialog dismisses correctly.

    It now works like a charm, thank you !