I'm writing database client using sql2o library. There are a lot of data access objects in my project, so I supposed to have lot of similar functions for getting access to the tables. For example, for class Persons
public List<Persons> getPersonsData(){
String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + PERSONS;
try(org.sql2o.Connection con = sql2o.open()) {
return con.createQuery(sql).executeAndFetch(Persons.class);
Are there any ways to optimize it? I was thinking about using generics, but as I know there no ways to get instance of generic class. Is it really impossible to create something like this?
public class Getter<T> {
public List<T> getGenericClass(){
String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + T.tableName;
try(org.sql2o.Connection con = sql2o.open()) {
return con.createQuery(sql).executeAndFetch(T.class);
We managed that creating a Store class
public class Store<T> {
private T value;
public void set(T object){
value = object;
public T get(){
return value;
and modify your GenericClass
public class GenericClass{
public <T> void storeGenericClass(Store<T> store, Class<T> clazz){
String sql = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM MYTABLE WHERE ID = 1";
try(org.sql2o.Connection con = sql2o.open()) {
public <T> void storeGenericClass(List<T> store, Class<T> clazz){
String sql = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM " +
try(org.sql2o.Connection con = sql2o.open()) {
Use the same className as tableName is not a best practice. But if you map each class with a table, you can do in this way
public class GenericClass{
public <T> void storeGenericClass(List<T> store, Class<T> clazz){
String sql = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM " +
try(org.sql2o.Connection con = sql2o.open()) {
To instantiate:
public class MyClass {
public String field1, field2;
GenericClass generic= new GenericClass(sql2o);
Store<MyClass> store = new Store<>();
generic.storeGenericClass(store, MyClass.class);
MyClass retrieved = store.get();
System.out.println("My Class fields are: "+retrieved.field1 + "-"+retrieved.field2);