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Automapper: Checking for null in MapFrom

Using version 4.

How do I check for null when doing a map? I tried the .Value, but that's not there on a Null:

        Mapper.CreateMap<Agenda, AgendaViewModel>()
            .ForMember(x => x.DateApproved, 
               y => y.MapFrom(s =>  DateTime.SpecifyKind(s.DateApproved.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc)));


  • Alternatively, you can just check the HasValue property prior to mapping:

    Mapper.CreateMap<Agenda, AgendaViewModel>()
         .ForMember(x => x.DateApproved,
                    y => y.MapFrom(s => s.DateApproved.HasValue ?
                                        DateTime.SpecifyKind(s.DateApproved.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc) :