In my current project of batch processing, I need to write a criteria or HQL for obtain generic scrollable results, in order to process entity one by one. Once processed, the entity id will be saved as checkpoint, called checkpointId
. And if the job need to be restarted, then another scrollable query will be created and will be started with the checkpointId
. In this batch job, all kinds of entity having @Id
are accepted.
If I translate into SQL, it will be similar to the below statement, with FETCH NEXT
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id > checkpoint_id LIMIT 1
If I implement it in Java, it becomes :
Class<?> entityType = MyClass.class;
ScrollableResults scrollableResults = session
.createCriteria( entityType )
.setCacheable( false )
.setFetchSize( 1 )
// TODO: where id > checkpointId
.setMaxResults( maxResults )
.scroll( ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY );
But the problems are :
condition in Hibernate session ?I'm using criteria. If HQL is easier, then I can accept HQL. Hibernate version is 5x.
Class<?> entityType = MyClass.class;
ClassMetadata md = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata( entityType );
ScrollableResults scrollableResults = session
.createCriteria( entityType )
.setCacheable( false )
.setFetchSize( 1 )
.add( md.getIdentifierPropertyName(), checkpointId ))
.setMaxResults( maxResults )
.scroll( ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY );