I have an abstract class with N protected members:
class Something {
UINT someVal;
std::vector<SomeType> g_MyVec;
// some virtual abstract methods ...
UINT getSomeVal() { return someVal; }
std::vector<SomeType> GetVec() { return g_MyVec; }
class SubClass : public Something {
SubClass() { // no members in this class, all inherited from super
someVal = 5; // this sticks
g_myVec = { .. correct initialization }; // this doesn't stick
The client of this code does:
Something* s = &SubClass();
s->getSomeVal(); // OK, has 5 in it.
s->GetVec(); // Nada, it returns 0 size, nothing at all... WHY?!
Enlightenment is much appreciated.
You are taking an address of the temporary. It's a UB
and incorrect code. Subclass gets destroyed along with the vector after the ;
Correct way to do this would be (Assuming no C++11):
Something* s = new Subclass();
s->getSomeVal(); // OK, has 5 in it.
delete s;