I have a polymorphic json string. Here's what it looks like:
"?xml" : {
"@version" : "1.0",
"@encoding" : "UTF-8"
"DataFeed" : {
"@FeedName" : "complianceCompany",
"Companies" : {
"@timeStamp" : "2016-07-06T10:16:51.00",
"Company" : [{
"@id" : "1",
"Ticker" : "MSFT-NSDQ",
"Name" : "Microsoft",
"Disclosure" : {
"@Code" : "25",
"@Description" : "25: PERSON FINANCIAL INTEREST"
}, {
"@id" : "3",
"Ticker" : "AAPL-NSDQ",
"Name" : "Apple",
"Disclosure" : [{
"@Code" : "3",
"@Description" : "03: RECEIVED COMP FOR NON-IB SVS"
}, {
"@Code" : "6C",
"@Description" : "06C: CLIENT NON SEC REL SVS"
}, {
"@Code" : "39",
"@Description" : "39: MARKET MAKER"
Someone once helped me with the following extension class:
public static class JsonExtensions
public static IEnumerable<JObject> ObjectsOrSelf(this JToken root)
if (root is JObject)
yield return (JObject)root;
else if (root is JContainer)
foreach (var item in ((JContainer)root).Children())
foreach (var child in item.ObjectsOrSelf())
yield return child;
yield break;
Based on that, here's my query:
JObject feed = JObject.Parse(jsonText);
var discInfo = from issuer in feed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Companies.Company").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
let discs = issuer.SelectTokens("Disclosure").SelectMany(s => s.ObjectsOrSelf())
select new
Id = (int)issuer["@id"],
Ticker = (string)issuer["Ticker"],
CompName = (string)issuer["Name"],
DiscCode = (string)discs["@Code"],
When I tried the query, I get the following error:
Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'IEnumerable<JObject>'
I'm trying to get all the discs in a comma separated field for each ticker. The end result should look like this:
How can I get the end result?
When you do...
DiscCode = (string)discs["@Code"]
...you are trying to access the property "@Code"
of a disclosure JObject
. But discs
is of type IEnumerable<JObject>
! You have to collect all "@Code"
s in discs
and concatenate them.
LINQ's Aggregate()
can do this, but I think it always looks more readable to use string.Join()
for that:
DiscCode = string.Join(", ", discs.Select(d => (string)d["@Code"]))