I have created a simple module with a hook_menu
function course_list_menu() {
$items['course-list'] = array(
'title' => 'Example Page',
'page callback' => 'course_list_page',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
return $items;
function course_list_page() {
print '<h1>WILL BE UP SOON </h1>';
print '<h3>this page is getting build<h3>';
As i saw in examples on youtube and some other sites, this text should come in the content region when i visit the link ( with header and footer ). But in my case it is coming in a blank page Am i missing some thing ? How can i display this content int the content region.
My current output is like http://prntscr.com/bpff9q
You need to return something that Drupal can work with and apply to the template files.
Try this:
function course_list_page() {
return array('#markup' => '<h1>WILL BE UP SOON </h1><h3>this page is getting build<h3>');