I am using Flying Saucer to create images from XHTML strings. After reading a couple of examples, I found I can do this using a class called Java2DRenderer. It has constructors that accept Files, URIs, and DOM documents. Therefore, I decided to use DOM documents because they can be created from String. By other hand, all constructors that accept such type require two other parameters: width and height.
For example:
// Creates DOM document from String
Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xhtmlString.getBytes()));
//See constructor parameters: DOM document, width and height
Java2DRenderer imageRenderer = new Java2DRenderer(doc,
1024, 768);
BufferedImage image = imageRenderer.getImage();
Unfortunately, sometimes a xhtmlString
is too big and the XHTML content does not fit in an image 768 height. When this happens, a truncated image is generated. I have no way to predict it, and hardcoding a higher value will make most image (the small ones) to inflate.
As one of the Java2DRenderer's constructor accepts a java.io.File and just ask us to provide width (height is determined by the API), I think I have to options:
Neither seems to be good options. The first one is going do add extra IO overhead, but the second would be acceptable (if possible). I thought I could create in memory files using an Apache VFS FileObject (it supports RAM file systems), but it seems not to be compatible with the Java IO File class. I cannot pass org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject
to a constructor that accepts a java.io.File
What other options could you suggest me to solve my problem?
Loking at the source code of Java2DRenderer
, the constructor public Java2DRenderer(File file, int width)
initialises the height to -1
So you should call:
Java2DRenderer imageRenderer = new Java2DRenderer(doc, 1024, -1);