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What is the difference between (Integer)y and new Integer(y) in java?

What is the difference between the following:

Integer in = (Integer)y;


Integer in = new Integer(y);

I want to convert int type to Integer type and vice versa. Here is my code for doing that:

public class CompareToDemo {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Integer x=5;
    int y=25;

    System.out.println(y+" this is  int variable");

    Integer in = (Integer)y;

    //Integer in = new Integer(y);

    if(in instanceof Integer){
      System.out.println(in +" this is Integer variable");


  • If all you want to do is to convert an int primitive to an Integer object, you have four options

       Integer in = (Integer)y;         // 1 explicit cast
       Integer in = y;                  // 2 implicit cast (autoboxing)
       Integer in = new Integer(y);     // 3 explicit constructor
       Integer in = Integer.valueOf(y); // 4 static factory method

    The most preferable way here is 2 (autoboxing). The explicit constructor (3) is the less preferable, as it might have some small performance hit.

    Also, they are not strictly equivalent. Consider:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 25;
        Integer a = new Integer(x);
        Integer b = new Integer(x);
        System.out.println(a == b);     // false
        Integer c = Integer.valueOf(x);
        Integer d = Integer.valueOf(x);
        System.out.println(c == d);     // true
        Integer e = (Integer)x;
        Integer f = (Integer)x;
        System.out.println(e == f);     // true

    This is because small integers are cached (details here).